• Murals

La Boulangerie

A story in 6 murals in the renovated and largest emergency housing centre in Paris.

City: Paris

Country: France

Year: 2024

Client: PALM (Peint A La Main) / Adoma

Nature: Acrylic

Still visible: yes

1 - Arrival: a young shoot is being held with care. A new energy is rising.
2 - first floor landing: The shoot found its new land and grew some roots, a bud emerges. Soft and tender, it reaches for the light, A quiet promise in the dawn's first sight.
3 - first floor community room: buds gather together, ready to bloom on earth. A symphony of colors, a moment of rebirth..
4 - Second floor landing: A fully open lily, symbol of rebirth, is being picked in the fresh morning. The hand, once trembling, now steady and new, holds the flower gently, life’s promise in view.
5 - Second floor, activity room: the bouquet of care and solidarity.
6 - Second floor, library room: the reconstruction is complete, dignity restored and a new life awaits.